

We provide products for customers using three types of transport vehicles through four distribution centers

type of transport




Format, mm Thickness, mm Sheets per pack, pcs Cbm per pack Packs, pcs Weight, kg Volume in cbm
1220*2440 4 100 1,191 24 20184 28,584
5 80 1,191 24 20712 28,584
6 65 1,191 24 19752 28,584
8 50 1,191 24 20136 28,584
9 44 1,179 23 19803 27,117
10 40 1,191 23 19665 27,393
11 36 1,179 24 20304 28,296
12 33 1,179 24 20304 28,296
14 28 1,167 24 19872 28,008
15 26 1,161 24 19752 27,864
17 23 1,164 24 19920 27,936
18 22 1,179 24 20136 28,296
20 19 1,131 25 20225 28,275
21 19 1,188 24 20088 28,512
24 16 1,143 25 20375 28,575
27 14 1,125 25 20125 28,125
30 14 1,25 23 20493 28,75
35 11 1,146 23 19688 26,358
40 10 1,191 23 20401 27,393
Format, mm Thickness, mm Sheets per pack, pcs Cbm per pack Packs, pcs Weight, kg Volume in cbm
1250*2500 4 100 1,25 22 20196 27,5
5 80 1,25 22 20372 27,5
6 65 1,219 23 19872 28,037
8 50 1,25 23 20263 28,75
9 44 1,238 22 19888 27,236
10 40 1,25 22 19734 27,5
11 36 1,306 23 20424 30,038
12 33 1,238 23 20424 28,474
15 26 1,219 23 19872 28,037
17 23 1,222 23 20033 28,106
18 22 1,238 23 20263 28,474
20 19 1,188 24 20376 28,512
21 19 1,247 23 20217 28,681
24 16 1,2 23 19665 27,6
27 14 1,181 24 20304 28,344
30 14 1,313 21 19656 27,573
35 11 1,203 22 19756 26,466
40 10 1,25 22 20482 27,5
Format, mm Thickness, mm Sheets per pack, pcs Cbm per pack Packs, pcs Weight, kg Volume in cbm
1500*3000 6 65 1,755 15 19575 26,325
8 50 1,8 15 19230 27
9 44 1,782 15 19275 26,73
10 40 1,8 15 19590 27
11 36 1,881 15 19395 28,215
12 33 1,782 16 20400 28,512
14 28 1,764 16 20240 28,224
15 26 1,755 16 19920 28,08
17 23 1,76 16 20288 28,16
18 22 1,782 16 20192 28,512
20 19 1,71 16 19760 27,36
21 19 1,796 16 20288 28,736
24 16 1,728 16 19744 27,648
27 14 1,701 17 20434 28,917
30 14 1,89 15 19890 28,35
35 11 1,733 16 19888 27,728
40 10 1,8 15 19365 27
Format, mm Thickness, mm Sheets per pack, pcs Cbm per pack Packs, pcs Weight, kg Volume in cbm
1525*1525 3 130 0,907 28 17948 25,396
4 100 0,93 31 18600 28,83
5 80 0,93 28 18872 26,04
6 65 0,907 29 18328 26,303
8 50 0,93 29 18908 26,97
9 44 0,921 29 18473 26,709
10 40 0,93 31 18879 28,83
11 36 0,921 30 18810 27,63
12 33 0,921 300 183000 276,3
14 28 0,912 30 18450 27,36
15 26 0,907 29 17980 26,303
17 23 0,909 30 18060 27,27
18 22 0,921 32 20000 29,472
20 19 0,884 32 19008 28,288
21 19 0,928 32 20096 29,696
24 16 0,893 32 19104 28,576
27 14 0,879 32 19584 28,128
30 14 0,977 31 20274 30,287
Format, mm Thickness, mm Sheets per pack, pcs Cbm per pack Packs, pcs Weight, kg Volume in cbm
1525*3050 6 65 1,814 15 20220 27,21
8 50 1,861 15 19875 27,915
9 44 1,842 15 19935 27,63
10 40 1,861 15 20250 27,915
11 36 1,944 15 20040 29,16
12 33 1,842 15 19770 27,63
14 28 1,823 15 19620 27,345
15 26 1,814 15 19305 27,21
17 23 1,819 15 19650 27,285
18 22 1,842 15 19575 27,63
20 19 1,767 16 20432 28,272
21 19 1,856 15 19665 27,84
24 16 1,786 16 20416 28,576
27 14 1,758 16 19872 28,128
30 14 1,954 14 19180 27,356
35 11 1,791 15 19275 26,865
40 10 1,861 15 20025 27,915